The grapes, directly brought in the cellar, go under a soft pressing. This way basewines are obtained.
In spring these are used for the spumante making process, adding sugary syrup and active yeasts for starting a slow natural fermentation which will produce CO2 inside the bottle.
The bottles, sealed with metallic caps, are stored in the cellar, where they remain in contact with yeasts for 18-36 months. The deposit produced at the bottom is thrown away; this process (remuage) determines the detachment of yeasts from the bottle and their condensation next to the cap.
When all these dregs are on the cap, thank to a procedure called degorgement the whole yeast dregs are violently expelled by removing the frozen cap. To re-estabilish the level in the bottle our producers use new wine to which sometimes liqueur d'expedition is added.
Now the bottles are sealed again with the traditional wooden cork with the Franciacorta printing and a small metallic strings cage.